When we utilize the Google search engine, what are we searching for? Places to eat? Cities to visit or explore? Activities to engage in? Search queries render results based on what words you place into the search bar - and you may notice your search word or words appear on the results page more than one time. This is the magic of keyword optimization. Whether running a blog, business, or both - people should be able to find the material you focus on with the click of a button. However, when reviewing your business strategies, have you considered what words you’re using to rise above the rest? Here, we discuss what keywords are, how to conduct keyword research, and where to insert them, all in the name of utilizing said keywords in your material and media.
So - what on earth is a keyword? Keywords are defined as “a word or concept of great significance” by the Oxford dictionary, and should be thought of as so! Businesses are based around concepts and products, and being able to search and find products and services easily is key to being found. When keywords are inserted in places such as websites, social media, or blog posts, the amount of keywords utilized will help boost your visibility above other businesses that may not feature them as much. This is done through SEO, or search engine optimization. Wondering WTH is SEO? Look back on our November 2016 blog “LOL, SEO, WTF?” for more details on how this amazing tool works! In the end, having keywords present in the media you produce is important if you wish to stay in front of your audience. To find these right keywords? Research - research - research!
How does one begin finding and utilizing keywords? Keyword research is optimal for finding what works best for your business or brand. The popularity of keywords wanes and rises over time, just like any trend, and it’s important to stay on top of the most relevant and popular keywords. Thankfully, there are several keyword research tools such as Google’s Keyword Planner and SEM Rush. While some of these keyword research tools are free, there are paid keyword search tools as well. Free resources are good for a small budget but limited in capabilities, paid keyword tools cost a monthly or annual subscription can allow you to engage in more complex data for your business. Reviewing budget, frequency of use, and goals for you and your business can determine what keyword research tools are right for you.
Now that we have keywords selected, where do we begin to insert them? When writing content, it’s important to remember that you are writing for both a human eye and the computerized search algorithm. Spacing keywords throughout the piece will allow your content to avoid repetition. A general rule of thumb when writing blog posts is to have your phrase and keywords appear at a minimum of three times (Were you able to spot any of our utilized keywords in this blog?). However, in the end, the more the merrier. While you always want to lean toward catching the attention of the algorithm, keywords should be properly placed, but not overused. Next time you incorporate keywords into your blog writing, have someone else look it over with you before posting. A fresh set of eyes will help bring your content to the best it can be!
Finding your content using keywords is something that every business should keep in mind when writing content. If you find yourself needing help getting started, check out the JanMar Agency August 2021 blog about blogging (blogception!). Need in-person help? Book a one-hour FREE consultation session with our team!